Thursday, March 12, 2009

Vanity Smurf

I've reached a new level of narcissism this evening. Last weekend, my friend, who is also training for the Pig, mentioned that she and her husband had recently measured their calves (these muscles get absurdly huge during marathon training). I can't remember why they were doing this but regardless, I'd forgotten about it... until tonight. Suddenly struck by a strange urge to see how big MY calf muscles were, I crept into the living room, stole the tape measure from my knitting bag, and went into the bathroom to check things out.

13.5" at the largest point.

I have no idea if that is large, small, normal, etc.. I'm kind of embarrassed that I did this, but probably not as much as I should be. :-S

In other news, I have my mileage for the week almost back on track, thanks to a four-mile run tonight. AND both of my runs this week were in the daylight. Dig.

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