Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I'm stretched a little thin these days. I'm carrying six active clients at work, trying to keep up with my marathon training, and attempting to have somewhat of a social life. Work seems to trump everything else...tonight I'm sitting in focus groups instead of doing a hill workout with my running buddies. Sigh.

I suspected the time would come when I would have to start doing my training runs in the morning and that time is officially here. I knew I had these focus groups tonight and I knew that last night was St. Patty's Day (BTW I never, never want to shoot Jameson's again. Ever.), so I figured I better get a workout done Tuesday AM if I wanted to salvage my mileage for the week. I was especially proud of myself yesterday because...

- I got up at 6:33 am to do a 5.5 mile hill run before work. 6:33!! It was still dark!
- I held a 9:02 pace on Torrence, Grandin and the Rookwood loop.

It was actually a pretty amazing morning. I had the road to myself, the birds (a scary amount of birds, truth be told) were chirping in full force, and I had a Neil Young song in my head. All was right with the world, if only for 49 minutes. ;-)

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