Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Divine intervention/inspiration

In case it wasn't obvious from my last post, Sunday was one of the most grueling runs in my "career" as a distance runner. Two days later and my legs are still sore, I'm just now starting to feel rehydrated, and despite the fact that the mental pain of the run is fading, I'm still thinking of clever excuses to avoid tomorrow night's speed workout. Clearly I need something to build me up, buttercup. Fast.

Well, ask and you shall receive. I found the inspiration I was looking for tonight in a nondescript white envelope that I almost threw away. Inside the envelope was my COLUMBUS MARATHON FINISHER'S CERTIFICATE. Five months late but really, it couldn't have come at a more appropriate time. What better to remind me that I can overcome a bad run than a certificate that points out:

- I ran a kick @ss pace in said marathon
- I placed reasonably well in the overall race AND my division

Maybe I'm a little too proud of this stuff but whatever! This little piece of paper has encouraged me not to throw my running shoes out the window just yet and brave whatever Coach Fung tosses at us tomorrow (which I'm sure will be a real treat given that we're running from Newport. Road intervals, anyone? :-)

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