Saturday, October 4, 2008

The best laid plans…

I’ve always had a bi-polar relationship with running, but I think it might be getting out of control. Literally every other run I’m back and forth between “I love running!” and “I hate this sport!” This Saturday’s workout was no exception.

The running group was doing 18-20 miles, which I’d been advised not to do thanks to my stupid IT bands, so I knew I probably should go it alone. I opted to run the 8-mile path at Miami Whitewater Forest and planned to do the loop twice. I’ve never done it before so at least it would be interesting the first time around.

The plan was to run one mile warm-up, seven miles at marathon pace (9:09), four miles at about an 8:20 pace, then marathon pace for the last four miles. Also, I took my iPod with me for only the second time this training season and I actually used it.

The run started out great and I was averaging a few seconds below marathon pace. However, around mile 6.5 my GI system decided it didn’t want to play nice with me. I’d like to blame this on the Leinenkugels I was drinking Friday night but honestly, I think my body is just revolting against all this training.

Adding insult to injury, my legs completely locked up when I pit stopped at mile 8. The IT bands had been bugging me (although not as bad as they had been) throughout the run, and when I went to get back on the trail I was limping.

I could have pushed through and gone out for the second loop, but mentally I just couldn’t do it to myself. I always like to think I’m tough but I feel like I’ve had SO many bad runs lately, the idea of pushing my barely-bendable legs through another eight miles made me want to cry.

So I quit. If I’m going to cry through any run, it’s going to be the marathon, not a training run. I just hope that I have a solid enough base behind me that I didn’t totally F myself by skipping the last long run…

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