Sunday, August 2, 2009

Back on a training schedule, sort of

I'm slowly working my way back into training. My goal for this training period is to do three runs per week, and my goal for last week in particular was to get back up to six miles (which sounds crazy given that I have run two marathons). Done and done. I actually got four runs in:

- Monday - 4.3 miler around Hyde Park - 8:57 average pace
- Wednesday - run/walk around Lunken with a friend who is a new runner
- Thursday - 6.4 miler around Norwood with Tisha - 9:02 average pace
- Saturday - 6 miler around Hyde Park - 9:32 average pace

I was a little frustrated with the pace but until I can get the mileage where it needs to be, I really don't want to focus on speedwork. Next week I would like to get up to eight miles. Once I hit that benchmark I will probably start doing Yassos, track work, hill repeats, all of necessary evils to try and get faster again. Yeehaw.

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