Thursday, April 2, 2009


So, last night's group workout was structured a little differently than usual. Instead of Groups A and B meeting at different places, we all met at Lunken and divided into THREE groups based on pace: sub 9:00, 9-10:00, and more than 10:00 minutes per mile.

It was supposed to be a speed workout...technically I should have gone with the sub 9:00 group. However, my legs are still a little tight from Sunday (my left leg actually kept me up all night after the race) and I really don't want to provoke an overuse injury (I can feel at least two brewing right now). Luckily Tisha was in a similar boat so we decided to run with the 9-10:00 group.

After getting over the initial shame of watching our regular running buddies trot off towards Eastern Avenue (no Lunken for them), Tisha and I jumped in with our new group and enjoyed a nice run around the airport. Well, mostly nice. I got accused of sandbagging (and later found a similar comment on my Wall from the same person) but whatever! I am seriously trying to be careful of my legs...I need them to get me through 26.2 in five weeks! I'm noticing more and more people who are either out with injuries or running slower than usual to try and nurse a sore IT band, etc. And, muscle injuries aren't the only problems cropping up. Last night as we were finishing, the guy next to me turned to his buddy and said:

"Hey, how'd it go? Did you sh*t yourself"

I didn't hear the buddy's response but the first guy replied with:

"Dude! Take some Immodium!"

LOL. I really shouldn't laugh...

Anyway, we ended up running just under a 9-minute pace for the 6 miles, which is perfectly fine with me. Not sure I ran hard enough to deserve the Big Boy and onion rings I devoured afterwards though. :-)

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