Saturday, January 24, 2009

Double-secret high-mileage group

So, there is a double-secret training group at the Spot that is doing higher mileage every week. I had heard rumors of this but assumed the higher mileage was just the add-on that is optional for Group B but mandatory for Group A. Well, we all know what happens when I assume things... :-)

We ran from Newport today and I was chatting with my running buddy before we took off. The plan was to do six base miles, which meant my group was doing seven. However, my buddy asked me if I was planning to do 12. Huh? Apparently the double-secret high-mileage runners get emails with all kinds of crazy add-ons and this week's add-on was to do the six-mile loop twice. I decided to play it by ear. I hadn't eaten much breakfast (a granola bar), which is fine for seven miles but dicey for 12, and I didn't have any Gu with me (yep, I need Gu's if I'm running more than 10).

Our route took us around Newport for a mile then across the Purple People Bridge into Cincinnati. I don't know why but I HATE that bridge. I think I would rather run any of the other bridges besides that one. Once we got across the bridge, we ran down Pete Rose Way to 2nd Street, then followed Elm all the way to Central. From that point we ran the half marathon course backwards into Eden Park for a loop around Mirror Lake before heading back down Eggleston to the cursed bridge.

I was kind of cranky this morning because we were doing right around a 9:00 pace, but my exertion level felt more like an 8:30. Someone asked the coach what pace we were running at one point and he said "9:15". I groaned out loud "that's it??". In hind sight, that probably sounded kind of rude. Oops.

Needless to say, I decided not to do the add-on for 12, although I did get in an extra quarter mile running back to my car. Ha.

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