Monday, September 21, 2009


Well, I've finally done it. I have managed to create the perfect storm of leg muscles (thanks, hills and weight training!) and too much body fat, which has resulted in none of my pants fitting correctly. I guess this is what happens when you only run 13-15 miles per week but continue to eat like you're running 25-30 miles per week. Blame it on the alcohol consumption, the peanut butter, the chocolate confections that surround my desk (the chocolate is for reference, really, i just can't seem to stop eating it), etc., but things are out of control. Enough is enough.

Hence, I have waged war on myself and the pants. Saturday I ran 9 very hungover miles, yesterday I ran 4.25 hungover miles, and tonight I ran 6. (Note: Yes, there is a pattern here and the obvious answer to my problems is to stop drinking and binging on cheese fries at 2 am.) I'm hoping to keep this daily exercise thing up until body parts go back to where they should be, at which point I'll stop running like a crazy woman. Probably. I also happen to be really stressed right now, so running every day is preserving my sanity and preventing me from being a surly grumpass. You're welcome, world. :-)

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