Wednesday, September 9, 2009

a lovers' quarrel

Running and I aren't getting along so well lately. I think deep down I still love him, but right now, I don't really like him. We've been fighting a lot...take this morning for instance:

Me: I don't really feel like spending 4 miles with you right now. I think I'll sleep in.

Running: Look, Muffin Top, er, Muffin, you promised me last night that you would get up this morning.

Me: I know but I'm REALLY tired.

Running: Fine. Sleep then. But need I remind you that you're 30, and the cupcake you downed at 10 pm isn't going to metabolize like it did when you were 25?

Me: Them's fightin words.

Running: Get up then! Come out and kick my @ss on the road!

Me: I hate you.

Running: Don't say things you'll regret just because you're lazy.

Me: Fine. I'm getting up.

Running: Sucker.

1 comment:

Grant said...

You write with the funny lady.