Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sharon Woods Run

So, I met a really cool girl last month blazing mountain bike trails with Give Back Cincinnati, and she also happens to be a runner. We've been trying to get together for, well, a month and tonight we were finally able to hit the Sharon Woods running path. Thanks to my crazy job, I was flying out the door at the last minute, sports bra on inside out, water bottle only half full because I didn't have time to wait for the faucet, etc. Sigh.

Anyway, we had a great run! My stupid achilles is bugging me again but the Sharon Woods path was PERFECT - not too many hills (I gotta stop running Torrence), she ran my pace, and the trail is only three miles long. It was so nice to run in a park and not have to worry about cars, Hyde Park yuppies taking up the whole sidewalk, etc. and I enjoyed having a running buddy. (I haven't run with anyone since the Pig) We chatted the whole time we ran, then hung out in the parking lot gabbing until the sun went down, everyone else had left the park, and I accidentally digested the gum I was chewing.

The best part is that my leg didn't hurt so bad, which I really do attribute to running on flatter ground. I guess this means I have a lot of runs at Lunken in my future. Bleh, but at least I can still run. Cheers to that.

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