With Sunday's 8-miler under my belt, I decided to try my luck with some speed work tonight. At first I was thinking of doing an interval run - the Spot group usually does two minutes on, two minutes off for these things. However, Spot runs also include coaches with Garmins, so you can tell what your pace is. I have about the lowest rent watch you can get (and I love it, btw) so I can only take my splits per mile and hope for the best. Not what I want for an interval run, really, so I decided to take advantage of Lunken's mile markers and do a combo interval/Yasso run. The plan was to run every other half mile as a Yasso 800, with a slower 800 in between. The track is five miles, hence, five fast 800s and five slow ones.
I started out and felt like I was running a decent clip...took my first 800 split, only to find I was running a 4:40 pace. Hmm. For my "fast" 800, I ended up doing a 4:08. Yikes. The rest of my splits went something like this: 4:30 slow, 4:17 fast, 4:25 slow, 4:20 fast, etc. I missed the last half mile marker and ended up just taking the full mile split, which came out to 8:28 minutes per mile. Redemption, somewhat.
In case you didn't notice, I was getting faster on each slow interval and slower on each fast interval. Truthfully, I'm not sure you can call what I was doing "speed work".
I'm trying to think happy thoughts though, since this was my first attempt at speediness since, I don't know, April? (not counting my erratic rash of 5K's in June) The moral of the story? I have to train with a group if I want to run a reasonable pace for a long (or apparently even a short) distance. News just in, but I tend to get pretty lazy on my own...
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