Thursday, September 25, 2008


After a one-day rest from Tuesday’s not-so-fun run, I was planning to do an easy 5 miler tonight around the Lunken airport bike path. This is normally my least favorite place to run (BORING!); however, it’s flat and my IT band has been borderline obnoxious all week, especially on hills, so I was looking forward to a nice recovery run. Unfortunately I got home too late to do the bike path, so I got stuck running around Hyde Park…for the third time this week. To preserve my sanity I tried a new route that ended up involving hills. There’s just no way around them.

But I had a great run! I didn’t really know where I was going for part of it (I had the general idea) and my IT band didn’t start bugging me until mile 3! Major improvement over Tuesday. I did wear my IT band strap although honestly, I’m not sure how much good it did because it only sits where it is supposed to for maybe 1/10 of a mile. Really those things should come with garter belts or something to hold them up. I also discovered that shortening my strides and doing a higher kick helps A LOT with keeping the pain manageable.

All in all I felt pretty good. I had forgotten how much fun it is to come home and jump onto Gmaps to see how far I went. Speedy Gonzalez I’m not but it’s good to see progress after dragging @ss earlier this week.

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