Saturday, May 23, 2009

I have a special purpose!

I have been a mega grumpass for the better part of May - to the point where I'm getting on my own nerves. I've been running just one time per week and haven't been able to do more than 2-3 miles at a time due to my knee and a surly digestive track. However, thanks to new shoes, some serious stretching, and complete abstinence from chocolate yesterday (chocolate = laxative) I was FINALLY able to do six miles this morning. I'm still running slow, but I think maybe I'm bouncing back from the marathon (knock on wood).

I knew I was missing my training schedule but I didn't realize how much not being able to run was affecting me - until today. When I got to Hyde Park Square and my body said I could keep going, I was filled with so much glee that I almost ran straight into a fire truck (how do you miss seeing a parked fire truck???). My delirious delight lasted for most of the run, even though I was struggling not to yak up last night's vodka/rum/whiskey/beer/salami combo. Clearly, running is my special purpose in life.

Happy happy joy joy.

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